1. Betty Boop
1. Divide the group into 3 Teams – Betty, Popeye, and the Wolf.
2. one of the youth leaders is going to read the following story and when he or she mentions “Betty” that team stands up and says, “Boop-Boop-De-Doo” (with hip action).
3. When he/she mentions “Popeye” that team stands up and says: “Well, blow me down”(with arm waving action).
4. When he/she mentions “Wolf” that group stands up and gives a “Wolf Whistle.”
There should be enough pause for each group action each time Betty, Popeye, or the Wolf is mentioned.
The Story
Once upon a time, there was a charming young lady named BETTY who was loved by a sailor called POPEYE. BETTY lived near a great forest in which there roamed a big WOLF. One day BETTY decided to visit her grandmother who lived in the heart of the forest where the WOLF lived. POPEYE wanted to go along, but BETTY would not listen and would not let POPEYE accompany her. Soon the WOLF followed BETTY. The WOLF crept closer and closer, but behind him came POPEYE! Just as the WOLF was about to leap on BETTY, POPEYE killed him with his trusty club and saved BETTY’S life. Thus ends the story of POPEYE, BETTY Boop, and the Big Bad WOLF.
2. How people see us?
Most of us don't have only prejudices about others but also about ourselves.
We sometimes tend to be more negative about ourselves or think less about ourselves.
In this great ice breaking game,  we stick a peace of paper on the back of every participant.
 The the participants start moving around and start writing on each others backs, the postive things they notice by just looking at each other
3. Visual Phone
Visual phone is a great energizer to get everyone engaged while fostering a conversation about communication and interpretations.
Running the activity
Break the large group into groups of three people (one or two groups can have four people)
Place three post it and a pen in front of each person
Ask everyone to write a sentence (on a post it), then place a blank post it on top of it (for now only the sentence author knows it)
Everyone pass the post it clockwise
Each person read the sentence from the post it in front of  them, and then create a representative drawing for the sentence (on the blanket post it)
Everyone pass the post it clockwise.
On a new post it, each person write a sentence for the drawing in front of them, and place it on top of the post it set (now the set has 3 post its; the original sentence, the drawing, and the new sentence)
Everyone pass the post it set clockwise (for the groups of three people, the set should end in front of the original sentence writer)
Open the post it set so everyone can see the sentences and respective drawings.
All players form a circle. Two players start the game. One is
a lion; the other is an antelope/deer/impala. Blindfold both
young people and spin them around. The other young people
sit in their circle and chant ‘Lion, lion, lion’. The closer the
antelope/deer/impala gets to the lion the faster the chanting
becomes. If the lion is far away, the calling decreases. The lion
has a minute to catch the antelope/deer/antelope. If the lion
catches her/him a new antelope/deer/impala is chosen.